Zen and the art of goofing off at work - Office Supply Art Car

If you ever need more ideas on how to spend your valuable time at work not actually working yet looking real busy with those TPS reports, this is the blog entry for you. It should be called "zen and the art of goofing off at work" and for good reason because its so easy to do with so many office supplies at your disposal. I am sure studies have shown that finding inner calmness is good for health and mental stability. When you get caught making say one of these office supply art cars, you just tell your boss you have high blood pressure from all the stress and that by doing so you lessen your risk of having to take sick time off thus strengthening the companies bottom line. Or you can just say its part of the creative process of the project you got roped into working on for your bosses big proposal next week. Regardless of what you say these little office supply art cars are simply adorable and deserve their place here on Art Car Central.

Office Supply Car
Car made from office supplies front
Art car made from office supplies
for more office supply ideas see MAKE article

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