Cash For Clunkers - Art Car Renaissance???

Cash For Clunkers Art Cars
Cash For Clunkers Art Car
During the recent government "cash for clunkers" program this country witnessed an art car renaissance within the car dealership community. The program gave birth to the hidden talent that laid dormant within some of our countries finest car sales people. No longer did they just have to blow up balloons first thing every morning or make sure that the standard signage was clean and ready to go. During cash for clunkers a new and innovative signage program was needed so they took to their canvas with gusto to tell the world about it. What we saw was the raw inner creative spirit coming through as public works of art through car painting, car sculpture and even car destruction performance art. I don't know if our country will ever be the same, but I hope this new cash for clunkers art car renaissance will not effect us adversely.

Cash For Clunkers Sculpture
Cash For Clunkers Sculpture

Cash For Clunkers Destruction Performance Art
Cash For Clunkers Destruction Performance Art by two kids with sledge hammers

1 comment:

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Keep it Up...!!

Have a nice day...!!

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