"Just Leave the Car At Home" - Insult from Council


THE man in charge of ensuring traffic flows freely in Aberdeen has urged shoppers to leave their cars at home to cut gridlock this Christmas.
Huge crowds are expected at the weekend as thousands of people flock to the city centre.
Infrastructure director Gordon McIntosh ... is appealing to residents to take advantage of public transport and avoid clogging up roads and car parks with traffic.

Unbelievable. That the council civil servant in charge of infrastructure should issue such an edict! Of course, what he fails to realise is that most people aspire to the convenience of personal motor transport, pay dearly for the privilege, provide much employment, contribute greatly in taxes, and then people like this council apparatchik just expect them to ‘leave the car at home’, while their money is spent creating cycle lanes and the like for freeloading cyclists.

The retail sector in Aberdeen "City and Shire" has designed itself around mass-motoring. Our huge city-centre carparks servicing the huge city-centre indoor shopping malls. And, of course, driving about a lot and using lots of petrol supports the oil industry - our major employer. And everyone knows that the retail sector in Aberdeen is one of the key drivers of economic growth - contributing to a real "buzz" in the city providing the vibrancy which will kick-start the economy of the whole country, pulling UK plc out of recession. Not only that, vibrant Aberdeen now has by far the highest house prices in Scotland, and all that economic activity demonstrated by the highly economically active motorists of Aberdeen "City and Shire" as they vibrantly drive about the place helps to keep house prices high, showing the way for the whole of Scotland - what with average house prices in Aberdeen now approaching 20% higher than even Edinburgh!

So, for this Gordon McIntosh to critically undermine the engine of vibrant house-price growth demonstrates beyond any shadow of doubt that he is anti-car, anti-free-market, anti-growth and anti-Aberdeen. But then, what do you expect from a public-sector employee, featherbedded as he is with his gold-plated pension? How dare he presume tell us what to do! If he likes totalitarian communism so much he should move to North Korea, where hardly anyone has a car (coincidence?). Then he'd be happy, wouldn't he?


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