
While driving to work today, I was thinking about what I have been doing (or building) for my past near-decade experience. It looks like my life has been a 'box of frameworks'.

Here is a historical list of what I have built throughout the years:

1996-1997 - General Methods Library (GML) 2.0 [Built on SAS platform using SAS/AF and SCL] Contains a library of methods for standard development functions.

1997 - General Methods Library (GML) 3.0 - Extension of GML 2.0. More common functions! Explorer-style Treeview menu builder. Error message library builder. Application Launcher. Reusable Logon screens (User Authentication). Used in several applications built for my customers.

1998 - General Methods Library (GML) 4.0 - Enhancement to GML 3.0. UI controls i.e. Dual-List Boxes, Grids and etc. Not completed.

1999-2000 - GO2020 Commerce Engine (GCE) 4.0/4.1 [Built on Windows NT platform using Visual Basic 6.0, COM and SQL Server 7.0] A basic framework for developing standard e-commerce (B2C) application. Contains modules for Storefronts, Consumer Profiles, Shopping Carts, Products, Merchants, Order processing and integration to shipping. Supports localization. Provides Visual Basic code templates. Fully documented - .CHM help file and design specifications. Filed as Company's IP. Powered all company's applications i.e. B2C and Auctions portals.

2000 - Spartan.Commerce [Built on Windows 2000 platform using Visual Basic 6.0, COM+ and SQL Server 2000] The next generation of GCE that contains more advance implementations such as Promotions (Up-selling, Cross-selling), Supplier and etc. Filed as Company's IP. Not completed.

2002 - Sparrow [Built on Windows 2000 platform using Visual Basic.NET, COM+, .NET 1.0 and SQL Server 2000] A generic application framework for building database-in-database-out applications. Proof-of-concept for using Windows DNA concepts (N-tier) in .NET. Uses Enterprise Services.

2002 - R2 (Sparrow) - Improved version of Sparrow that contains more .NET-like implementations. Implemented concept of Data Extractor and Processor for CRUD functions. Used in company's products.

2002 - Salamander V3 [Built on Windows 2000/XP platform using Visual Basic.NET, .NET 1.1 and SQL Server 2000] A full-fledge application framework with built-in CRUD functions, Product License Manager, Alert-Engine and builder, ASP.NET Server Controls, Data layer code-generator, Strongly-typed DataTable generator, Form generator (Not completed) and Reporting Engine (Not completed).

2003 - Grandeur RAD Engine (GRADE) 1.0 [Built on Windows 2000/XP platform using Visual C# .NET, .NET 1.1 and SQL Server 2000] A proof-of-concept object-oriented application framework to speed up application development on .NET. Contains Entity Generator (Not completed).

2004 - Paladin RAD Framework (Release 0.4 - 0.8.9) [Built on Windows XP/2003 platform using Visual C# .NET, .NET 1.1 and SQL Server 2000] An object persistent framework (OPF) that provides basic O/R Mapping functions. Contains Entity Generator.

2005 - Paladin RAD Framework (Release 0.9.0). Enhancement to 0.8.9. An object-oriented Rapid Application Development (RAD) framework that provides O/R Mapping facilities. Revised Application Architecture. Enhanced Entity Generator and O/R Mapping. Component Workflow (Experimental). UI Process Controller (Experimental) and many more! Check out the project workspace.

2006 - Paladin II ??? - [Built on Windows XP/2003/Vista? platform using Visual C# .NET, .NET 2.0 and SQL 2000/2005] Migration of 0.9.0. *Was wondering if I will be able to build this next???* *Sigh*

I have learned a lot from building all these libraries and frameworks and in-return, each was built on the lessons that I learned.

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