
This morning, I was introduced to another Roti-boy variant by my mom. It's from Pappa-Roti and it is supposed to be 'an improvement' over the original (cost 10 cents more too!). To me, it is less oily and contains more 'white' than 'yellow'. Taste wise, it is still lacking from the original but the aroma is there.

Every since Roti-boy had made a big hit with their unique delicious bun, everyone on the street has been copying it. I'm not really sure what the real name of the bun is (since everyone just call it Roti-Boy). All that I know is it tastes good. But there are too many variants/imitations around nowadays. You can also spot it as Mexico Bun in The Baker's Cottage. Who actually came out with the idea first?

I was thinking about it today, if only the dude had patent the bun... *LOL*

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