
Selamat Hari Merdeka!!! Today is Malaysia's 49th birthday.

Woke up at 10:00AM this morning after watching some Korean war movie last night that lasted until 1:30AM. Then went back to my room to check and reply mails. Don't know why I was so hyper last night... uh, I mean this morning. I have not been sleeping so late for quite sometime.

Decided to try out Windows Vista Build 5536 Pre-RC1 on my Presario X1000. I'm curious how it performs on my hubby. Before I install, I ran the upgrade advisor and it tells me that Aero Glass isn't going to work. I knew that already since my hubby doesn't have a DirectX 9 graphics card.

I went on with the installation and everything looks good but when the installation is done, my whole display went fuzzy with horizontal lines all over my screen. Then I realized, "Darn it! The ATI Graphics driver is busted!"

Booting up in safe mode was ok and it tells me that there was a resource conflict with my AGP controller. I suspected that wasn't the cause because the conflict is probably due to the default VGA driver. Braving through the fuzzy lines (thank Buddha I can still read what is on the screen), I managed to uninstall the driver but that didn't help as Vista smartly reinstalls it when I reboot. ARGH!!!

Disabling the AGP controller seem to do the job but it uses the standard VGA driver instead and I couldn't update it. Finally, I extracted the ATI Radeon drivers for XP and brave through the distorted display again to update the driver. This time everything worked fine. Yeah! Vista Vista Baybee!!!

Performance is pretty good in this build although it still sucks up 460MB of RAM upon boot-up. I left all the diagnostics and error reporting services on because I wanted to share my pain with the guys in Redmond. ;) Most of the fancy animations are still around in Aero Basic, just no transparent stuff and Flip 3D.

Out of curiosity, I ran the performance rating and I got the following score.

1.0 - Hahaha! But what surprised me was that my Intel Centrino 1.5 GHz processor scored the same as the 2.0 GHz on my office notebook and my 2GB RAM scored better than the 2GB RAM on my office notebook. The rest all are lower because my office notebook is running on a NVidia GeForce GO 6600 128MB RAM and a 5400 RPM HDD. I ran the tests again on both machines and the results returned the same. No applications were running when the tests were on.

Should be running on Vista from now on if everything works ok.

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