
Chinese New Year just came and now it is about to go! Talk about time flies man! Yesterday was the 7th day of Chinese New Year and it was "Everybody's Birthday" (Yan-Yat). Today is the 8th day, which is when the Hokkiens will pray to the Sky God (Tien-Kong).

I have sin a lot this Chinese New Year. Been eating like a piggie. Potato-chips, Ciku-chips (whole container), Kuih Kapit (3 quarter Vico tin), Murukus (3 containers - Hmmm.... wonder what these were doing here during Chinese New Year), Sugee Cookies, Peanuts (lots of 'em), Ground-nuts (uncountable), Caterpillar cookies (cookies that look like caterpilla) and lots more junk. *Now belly big big liow*

Like previous two years, it is fast-food on the eve of Chinese New Year. Mom already planned ahead that we have Pizza this year, since the McDonald's in our area had closed down (can you believe it? McD can Chup-lup?!). We had 3 soup, 1 Regular pan Pizza, 1 plate of cris-cut potatoes, 1 plate of bread stix to go with the soup and 1 plate of fettuccine cabonara. Only cost me RM10+ (thanks to the vouchers from SenQ).

Luckily, I only take vegetables (chai) during the holidays and I only lou-sang (donno how to explain in English) once. Atleast, it reduced my weight-gain. *Phewh*

Visiting relatives is kinda adhoc this year with many unplanned visits and spanned over few days, unlike previous year where the visiting was compacted into two days. This year we had 2 new additions to the family, baby cousin Jolin (oooo! such a cutie!) and auntie Theressa (my uncle's newly wedded wife).

During the reunion dinner, my uncle asked me, "What so special about Office 2007 ah? I heard it is just all new UI. What does it do for business?". He shouldn't have said that cos for the next hour, he got an 'education' on Office SharePoint Server 2007. Luckily I didn't bring my notebook, otherwise.... Anyway, when the dinner was over, uncle went back with "Now I know Office can do so many things". :)

That's part of what I did during Chinese New Year. The other half of it... errr....uhmmm.... some of you guys know what I did. It's back to work for me tomorrow.

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