
My long-time ex-colleague gave me a call this morning and she sounded very unstable, panic and desparate. I asked her what's wrong. She told me that her program could not run and she needs to submit it soon. Her voice sounded like she is going to cry.

Slowly, I calmed her down and asked her to detail the problem to me. Her VS.NET 2003 refused to let her debug. Luckily, it was a .NET problem and I'm able to help her solve it But one funny thing was, when I asked her to type the name of her application's start page in the browser, she typed http://localhost/herprojectname.vbasic.vbproj and complained that it didn't work.

Although I was furious for a moment (I mean how could a developer who have written the application from start do a silly thing like that?), I helped her out and finally guided her through the steps that was listed in http://support.microsoft.com

Incidents like these really makes me think. People come to me to ask for help on their program issues, pc issues and all sorts of computer-related issues. I'm now stucked in doing something (and it is major stuff!). My brain is dead, I'm out of ideas and don't know where to start. Who can I turn to? Who can I turn to?

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