Conversations with dad has always been somewhat amusing. Here's a dialog few minutes ago.
Normal conversation
Dad: Ah Girl, daddy wants to watch cantonese series this evening. Can you buy us all dinner tonight? Daddy wants Fried Rice.
Daughter: Ok.
Dad: Better go early hor.
Daughter: Okie.
Dad's style
Dad: What's the time now?!
Me: Going to be 6:00 PM.
Dad: So how?!
Me: How what?
Dad: How you going to eat?
Me: Are you going to buy dinner now?
Dad: No, I will eat on my own after my cantonese series.
Me: Ok, then I will go buy my own dinner later. Don't worry about me.
Dad: You better go at 6:30 PM.
Me: I can go anytime, even at 7:00 PM since there is no rush.
Dad: So you going to buy?
Me: Yes.
Dad: Can you buy for me as well?
Me: Sure.
Dad: I want Fried Rice.
Me: Ok.
Understanding his words requires special skills. If not done with care it will cause a volcano eruption. For instance, if he says, "You are not coming back for dinner today right?" when you are leaving the house, he means, "Please go get your own dinner, I want to dine with mom tonight".
Interesting huh?
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