
Last week, I started playing DOA4 again and man! I played like sai (sh*t). I've forgotten all the moves, how to string the combos and worst of all, I've forgotten how much it means to be patient. I got thrashed by players all over the world (mainly from Japan) and even by noobs.

Now, I don't know what they are saying in the in-game chat, probably they are saying, "This lolly is giving us lots of points!!!". And occassionally, ah pa will come in to my room and exclaim, "WAHAHAHA! That guy thrashed you!"

Then I met a gamer who is quite friendly and he has been analyzing my predictable moves. He then sent over some codes that looks like DOA4 lingo (i.e. 4KK, 4PK, 3PP). Initially, I had no idea what the h*ll is that but after doing some searching, I finally understood what he meant.

I sent him a message to ask him to teach me some new moves and his reply was ...

"The known thing can be taught though it thinks what I know to be few."

WaH-Lau! Do all grandmasters talk like that?!

*DOA = Dead or Alive

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