Editing the Beast

So, I've completed one big re-write of my Work-in-Progress (WIP), and now I've started editing all that I've rewritten. But before getting into the nitty-gritty of line-by-line of 73,000 words, I am reading through to identify dropped or forgetten plot points or elements.

For this, I use a notebook, different colored pens and highlighters and a cup of coffee. Each chapter, I write a summary of the scene and jot down things like, "The bedroom has a ceiling fan. Mention again elsewhere." or "They talk about going on a weekend getaway - does she make a reservation? When the trip nears, does the hotel call and confirm?" They may seem like random things, but random gives your world context. Pulls your story out of the generic. Gives your character more obstacles, even if they're small. I also highlight clunky sentences, weak words and passages that can be improved. Also highlighted: passive verbs like be, was, am and are.

Once I'm finished, my WIP will look like a Pride Parade.

This exercise also gives me an excuse to roam the aisles of Office Depot and buy new pens and notebooks. Squee!

What is your process for editing the Beast? And do you prefer Staples or Office Depot?

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