One More Thing...

A short story for book-buyers on a budget:

So I took Meatz (nickname for my little one) to the library. She headed to the Children's section, and I headed to the little section where they sell books. Yes! The library sells books that have been donated or not-so-fancy-lookin'. I plucked from the box Michael Chabon's latest, The Yiddish Policeman's Union, in brand-new condition for 50 cents. 50 freakin' cents!!

Lesson: Some hard covers can be bought for cheap. (This coming from someone who wants you to buy her book for full-price, go figure.)

Another lesson: Donate books to the library. Your trash is another person's blah blah blah.

Last lesson: Support your public library. It's still as cool as you remember... but without the red punch and cookies.

That is all.

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