I've been asked several times what inspired me to write A Quiet Storm [and now, The View from Here. For each work, that source of inspiration differs while getting it down on paper and using it shape a story remains the challenge.
Today, novelist Deborah Brodie talks about inspiration and how it moves her through the machinations of novel-writing. So. let's welcome Deborah, author of The Path That Gets Brighter and the recent In His Love.
What is In His Love about, you ask? The book tells the story of Sarah, one of the youngest sisters of the congregation at Anchorage Place, a refuge for abandoned children. While running to the love of her Lord, she runs from the romance of a lover, fearful that she cannot love both equally. Sarah must contend with religion and surrender her fear before she can pursue love. The story reveals whether it is possible for Sarah to give into her desire for Daryl while giving her heart to the lover of her soul, and if her relationship with Jesus will survive as she wrestles with her faith. Will she ever be able to fully believe In His Love?
Here's Deborah!
I was excited when Rachel extended the opportunity for me to describe the process of my writing.
When any artist talks about their talent or craft, I believe it all begins with inspiration. One of the unique qualities of inspiration is it is different for everyone, and yet it is found everywhere and in virtually anything. For some, inspiration comes from a beautiful sunset, or perhaps a tranquil landscape. For others, they are inspired by other people’s accomplishments, and whatever obstacles they have endured and overcome.
For me, inspiration comes in the seasons of life; both good and bad. It is in the changing seasons of life that we learn most about ourselves, and others for that matter. These moments become my canvas. Hardships and obstacles battle it out through the characterization of heroes and villains. I become the author and architect of circumstances transforming the abstract to art; the subjective to objective.
Once I become inspired and a story unfolds, I begin to develop the characters and expand on the theme and plot by doing chapter and story outlines. This simply means transcribing my thoughts and ideas onto paper, and putting them in a chronological order I would like the story to follow…at this point.
My writing tends to be from start to finish and I always write on pad and paper before copying it into the computer. I have learned from experience that while this is burdensome it protects my work if technology fails me!
Believe it or not, this is the easy part of writing, because I have the opportunity to express my emotions while engaging my imagination to create a virtual reality of entertainment for others to experience.
Once the story is complete it goes off to meet the scrupulous eyes of the publisher where it holds the fate of being dissected and categorized.
For me, an editor can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. I have recently learned that there must be a balance in the maintaining of the integrity of your story, while having the flexibility to change, and adapt new ideas; especially if it comes from a marketing standpoint.
I am currently working on the sequel to my last novel, “In His Love.” It is a trilogy sequel series. While “In His Love,” is a romance, the first sequel to follow will be a mystery/suspense novel. The backdrop takes place in mystical Guatemala, and the climax will leave readers chomping at the bit for more!
We are all a creative people and I encourage you to let yourself be inspired today. Through inspiration you will find your creative outlet, whatever it may be. It is an expression of your inner self – the real you.
“If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for yourself?”
Don Miguel Ruiz – “The Voice of Knowledge”
Please visit Deborah at her blog -- and tell her Rachel sent you!
Home » The Writing Life » Writing in My Car... With Deborah Brodie
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