Darn, dang, dammit...

I know I’ve written this so many times that it’s beyond tedious. But nonetheless I’m happily going to repeat myself and utter to the world “I receive far too many emails”! Reading, listening, deleting and every once in while replying and posting eats up far too much of what precious little time I can dedicate to this blog. Consequently it has happens more and more often that I take a quick look at the mailbox, shake my head and sigh “not tonight baby…” So the mails from those days probably never will get a closer look meaning that there’s an outside chance of something interesting eluding me. Obviously I cannot tell how often it happens, as I normally just delete the unread mails after some time, but when I, as I just did today, finally find some time to check out older mails and discover a message from one of my recent favourite bands, I feel rather pissed off…and all my rage is turned toward the many, many promoters, bands etc. jamming my inbox with their useless garbage and thus drowning the very few interesting mails that happen to come my way! The email causing this outburst was mailed on September 28 informing that Psychic Powers had put out a free to download virtual 7” single on EverythingIsChemical. And though the track isn’t among their better ones (too long, too electronic and not quite catchy enough) and never would have fitted in on the band’s smashing debut album, I still feel devastated to have missed out on this release by nearly two months…watch out for an updated spam filter…
+ It’s All Around You

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