Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield

Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
There aren't many Haunted Inns that come complete with spooky art cars parked in the front but owner and resident Jim Warfield has done his best to give his clients the complete package.

In the town of Mount Carroll, Ill is where you will find Raven's Grin Inn, a 19th-century mansion that's been turned into a wacky house of horrors by Jim Warfield which just happens to be located a block away from a cemetery.

Warfield rescued the house from being demolished about 20 years ago and then went on to fill it
with all kinds of freaky art projects  like the "the last Elvis impersonator" that sits decaying in a wheelchair and of course plenty of creaky, spooky and secret passages. If you are feeling up to it you can get a group of 10 and go on a tour for $10 per person per hour but you must call in advance for reservations.

What got Jim a post here on art car central was one three spooky cars, a  87 Olds station Art Car wagon, "Custom cruiser" with arms that go up and down via a 79 T-Bird Vacuum /headlight door lifter device and a reptile hood with doll trapped in its bloody teeth. I think traveling cross country in one of these with the whole family is scary enough even without the skulls, but that's just me.

It took Jim about 5 years to rebuild his spooky art car to the point were felt comfortable taking it down to the local drag strip that allows anyone to race any car for $10. If speed doesn't kill then definitely a spooky induced heart attack would be enough to beat the competition. Go get em Jim:)

Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield

Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield
Spooky Art Car Scares Customers at Raven's Grin Inn - Jim Warfield

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