The quiet zone...

If you are one of the persons left who has been following this blog for years you might (or might not) remember Breumm? A Danish duo (consisting of brothers Jonas and Steffen Breum) playing catchy electronic pop music with clever almost quirky lyrics, and who put out an album called Det Perfekte Spild af Tid (co-produced with Henrik Balling) in mid-2008? As the few of you might (or might not) remember as well, is that I did my utmost to hype them and featured the band a number of times. Not that I was very successful though, as I believe the album sold in the neighborhood of 5 copies in spite of being much better than your average yet big selling pop albums. Whether it was the lack of success or fatigue following the recording and release of the debut I don’t know, but following a few months of promoting and supporting the album they more or less ceased to exist as a duo. From time to time I’ve seen their names (Steffen especially) pop up here and there, but as a duo they’ve been awfully quiet. Well they still are, but this weekend Jonas wrote telling that he’s been working on a solo album for the past year and that he’s finally managed to finish a track. The track is called Stillezonen (the quiet zone) and the lyrics aside (still quirky and still in Danish) his solo musical universe is rather different when comparing it to that of the duo. Or as he describes it himself: “a stripped down dogma-folk universe, where I record the whole shebang myself”. An interesting concept and probably a much needed approach to recording music following the hype of the previous album (I wasn't the only one expecting big thing). Have to admit that it took me a few listens to “make friends” with Stillezonen, but now I’ve definitely been won over, so please Mr. Breum; keep the new tracks coming!
+ Stillezonen

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