
The haze has finally got to me. I was down with migraine for two days. Yesterday, avoiding hints of migraine, I went to work thinking that I'll be ok. In the office, the smog had invaded the three-levels of carparks and penetrated into the building. The building's ventilation systems were practically defenseless against the onslaught.

By 10:00am, the whole floor (plus the others) was covered with smog. I can hear chokes and coughs in almost every corner in the office. My eyes and throat were dry and I felt like vomiting. The hills on the other side of the lake and the Palace of the Golden Horses have somehow vanished! I was told that the Air Pollution Index (API) was at 410.

The burnt-smell had irritated my respiratory system. Started with a mild pain along my nose-drills and shot up to my forehead. Right after lunch, I brokedown with acute semi-hemispherical head pain. *Powerpuff Down! I repeat, we have a Powerpuff Down! Bee-Boo-Bee-Boo*

I managed to sustain till 6:00pm when I can finally go home. I was only 50% 'functional' when I reached home and after dinner, I *Splat* on the bed. Mom was telling me about the hailstorm and all that.

Woke up this morning and thought I could return to my outpost. After five minutes into brushing my teeth, the semi-hemispherical attack returned. I peeped out my window and *Holy Cow* it was worst than yesterday. Finally, had to visit the clinic to get some pain-killers.

I read that the API exceeded the 500 mark today. *You don't actually need to be a meteorologist to see that as visibility was so poor in my area - you can hardly see the cats at the end of the street.* I can feel my lungs contaminated with the smog. Dad had made me wear a surgical mask today.

I'm feeling better now. I hope the haze will clear-up soon so that I don't have to smell like a Malboro everyday.

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