Today is my last day at work. Well technically, my last day should be tomorrow but since
tomorrow is my country's Independence Day, so that makes today my last working day. Like any other day, I started my morning with my daily routine and drove to the office. The traffic was smooth and the journey was a breeze.
When I stepped into the office, I noticed this *HuGe* present sitting beneath my table. It was nicely wrapped with a ribbon and has a card on it.
The card says...
"Just to say farewell my friend,I wouldn't wanna be ya,but I'd like to wish you lots of luck,and lots of love - now see ya!"
Oooo! It was a farewell gift from my colleagues! *How sweet of them* *HuGGiEs* Jamie was shouting, "Guessed what we got for you?! Open It Open It!"
Then I started inspecting the box. It is huge but it is very light and it doesn't make a sound if I shake it. "It's a plush toy!", I said excitedly and Jamie gave me the *Grin*. Then I started unwrapping the gift and more colleagues came over to stare at me, *The BiG-LiTTLe-GuRL*.
Fairus, Winston and Kelly all waiting anxiously to see the look on my face. And after unwrapping part of the box, my earlier instincts were correct! The label printed on the box says it all! It was a dead-give-away!
Let's see what's inside. Oooo! I'm *sO eXCiTed!*
aaaaaarrrrrrhhhH! *Screaming insanely* It's a *SuPeR-SiZe* Blossom! (Leader of the Powerpuff Girls). It's so cute and huggable with a big head that is larger than my monitor.
I placed her on my notebook and you can see how huge she was. *Absolutely adorable!*
For the whole day, she sits on my desk bringing cheers to everyone who passed by my cubicle. It didn't take long for everyone in the office to know that I got a big powerpuff girl sitting on my desk. Some colleagues thought it was my birthday and came 'Congratulating' me but when I told them that it was my last day working in the company, they were so surprised. *Hehe*
Mmmm.... So nice to hug. I like it very VeRy vErY much! *Absolutely Love It!* Thank you *Fairus*, *Winston*, *Kelly*and not to forget, *Jamie*. *Muaks* to you all. You guys had really made the day worth remembering. Take care ya!
[PS. I edited this post to put in more pictures and content]
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