Bet you thought I cuddled my Blossom Powerpuff Girl the whole day huh? ;) No, I didn't, but ocassionally I will hold her head and say, "Eeee.... So Cute!" to send goosebumps to Jamie :p I spent my morning clearing up my drawers, filing the documents I found in my drawer *Shhhhh*, organizing some MSDN DVDs and doing some last verifications on my development server.
I lelong off (gave away) all my stationeries and gave my lady-bug to Jamie and packed the remaining stuff into a small 6x6x3 inches box. Yeah! I don't usually put too much personal things on my desk as I don't want to look so sad carrying a box out of the building when I leave the company. *But I don't mind carrying a huge powerpuff though* :p
Still having some time before I make any plans for lunch, I sat at my place and wrote a "Good-Bye email" to my colleagues. Now, somehow I can't connect to the global address book, so if I left out your name, please forgive me okies? *HuGs*.
Just when I want to start calling my lunch-kakis (lunch mates), my CIO called-up to wish me all the best. Unfortunately, sometime came up and he could not join me for lunch. *SHuCks* and I wanna take some pictures with him! Oh Well! Work comes first.
Now, since Fairus and Kelly have another lunch appointment with their project manager and can't join me for lunch, and since Winston drove all the way back from Cyberjaya to lunch with me, a cafeteria lunch won't do him justice. So, we were thinking of lunching outside, maybe at the Mines Shopping Mall (again?). Hmm... I will need more kakis, cos the fellowship is now down to Winston and Jamie only.
*Bink* I recalled Mike was asking the day before about another farewell lunch and I think he will be interested. Gave him a call and he is already on his way back to the office after visiting a customer. I told him to drag Wen-Ching along since he fong-fei-kei (didn't turn up) on the previous farewell at KFC.
Then, I messaged Kathy, "Come lunch together with me. Today is my last day. I wanna take pictures with you". Then she replied, "Lunch ah... See first lah". Then I said, "Come lah, I don't have any pictures taken with you. Last day liow". Then she said she will arrange her appointments and come. *Yippee*
Winston then started to complain, "So how? Lunch how? Faster lah. Hungry liow!". Then I messaged Wen-Ching and he came down but no signs of Kathy and Mike. So I called Kathy again, "Kathy come faster! Got Big-Big Powerpuff Girl here in my place". Kathy replied in excitement, "Is it?! Ok ok, I come now".
After a while, both of Mike and Kathy came and then everyone started to say, "I dowan to drive lah", "My car no petrol lah" and "I tired to drive lah". (I can understand since petrol price went up). Then Kathy came out with a smart suggestion, "Let's ask Serena to drive lah... Work here so long never ride in her car." and everyone goes, "Yalah, Yalah, Serena drive lah". Ok lor, Since everyone so Pung-Cheong (Supportive), I drive lor. So, since I'm driving, I will decide where to go for lunch lor.
I drove them to Serdang's famous and delicious Ngar-Pou-Lou-Shue-Fun (Claypot "Silver Needle Noodle") at Yuk Heng kopi-tiam (Coffee Shop). [The direct translation of the dish is rather misleading and gross - Claypot Rat Noodle, because the noodles look like rat's tail hence the name. In Hong-Kong if you order that, people will think you are going to commit suicide because Lou-Shue-Fun is rat-poison in Hong-Kong.]
Since there are three big guys and two tiny girls packed inside my car, I have to drive extremely careful especially going over bumps and cornering. *Can't simply 'daytona' liow* So, I drove like a scared-stiff lady driver... Eeee... Big Truck coming... *I Scared* *I Scared*
When we reached the place, Mike, Wen-Ching, Winston and Kathy all went to Par-Toi (Book table) while I go buy the parking ticket. Jamie was watching my back like a Kwong-Wu-Ah-Sou ('Gangsterina'). Sure feels good to have a Taekwando black-belt second-band bodyguard around *HeHe* *Snort* *Snort*
After that we enter the shop and saw all the guys getting comfy already and they ask me to order the food. "Si-Tao-Por", I called to the shop-owner and she came, "Leng-Lui, Oi-Sek-Mut-Yeh? (Pretty girl, what do you want to eat?) . [Now, you should take note that it has become a custom to prefix all greetings with Leng-Lui (Pretty girl) or Leng-Chai (Handsome boy) to give the warm-fuzzy-feeling to the customers. Whether they mean it, that is a different story.]
So, I said, "Ngar-Pou-Lou-shue-Fun!" and Wen-Ching immediately said, "Eeee.... I don't like." Then everyone said, "Sai-Geh, Sai-Geh (Small one, small one)".
Then Kathy said, "I want the Crispy-Fried-Tau-Foo!" and Wen-Ching said, "Eee... Tau-Fu, I don't like, dowan". Then everyone said, "Pat-Tiu, Pat-Tiu (Eight pieces, eight pieces)". Then Kathy said, "I like the dish. Order more lah! Ten pieces!". Then there were some debate, "Eight!", "Ten!", "Eight!", "Ten!" and finally, everyone settled for "Eight". The shopowner was getting confused already.
Then Mike ordered, "Wat-Tan-Hor (Cantonese Fried Wide Kuey Teow)" and I quickly override him, "Yin-Yeung! (Cantonese Fried Bee-Hoon and Wide Kuey Teow combo)". Everyone agreed but to Wen-Ching, "Dowan!". *Aiyo, this boy!*
So, I asked the Tai-Siu (Big Prince [A term that can used to describe a spoiled brat.]) what he wants or at least what he can eat? He replied, "LaLa! [Don't know what the heck is that in English. It's some kinda clam-like seafood]". So, I ordered it for him and I add-on a last dish, "Fu-Yue-Yao-Mak (Lettuce cooked in beancurd paste)". That's It! And we waited for the food to be served.
When the food arrives everyone ate happily and our Tai-Siu Wen-Ching sapu (clean-up) two bowls of rice, the Lala, a small bowl of Lou-Shue-Fun, the lettuce and some of the Yin-Yeung. *Amboi, bila tanya, Tak Nak, Tak Nak. Bila sampai, makan banyak." (When asked him, this don't want that don't want but when the food arrives, eat so much.). Everyone raising their eye-brows and giving me that Look-At-Him-Look. Anyway, he is still young and he is my pal. So don't bother lah.
Ahhh.... right after lunch is photo session time. Everyone drew out their Samsung lah, Nokia 6680 lah, Nokia 9500 lah and of course, I took out my 7710 and we all fire away!!!
Me and Mike. I treat him like my younger brother.
Me and Kathy.
Me and Tai-Siu *Just Kidding* Wen-Ching
Me and Winston.
Me and Jamie.
Mike with his famous "Peace After Meal" stance.
Wen-Ching feeling great after the meal. Notice those rice bowls hidden behind the blue one and those Lala shells.
This shot is a jewel! You never get to see Winston laugh like this!
We decide to have a brawl.
And finally, guessed who paid the bill?
After lunch, we all went back for more photos!
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