
Have you ever picked up a textbook and read it for a few days but only to find that you don't understand a single thing you read? That's happening to me right now! *ARGH!* I was reading this Network Management textbook of mine and I really don't understand what the heck it is talking about (and I'm very frustrated!)

The first chapter of the book feels like reading a braindump of the author's thoughts that is so dis-organized and dis-oriented. A proper introduction to Network Management was not done properly and he immediately jumped into the technical details of telephony networks! For goodness sake, when explaining technical subjects, be more elaborate and don't just blah blah blah through.

The explanation on the seven OSI layers was so duh. In my previous Network and Distributed Systems unit, the explanation on the OSI layers were so easy to understand but this fella made it so complicated in his book.

The chapter explaining ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) sux! Coming from a developer background, I have no problems reading syntax but his explanation on ASN.1 is horrible. It is even tougher than trying to understand MSIL or the C# Language Specifications.

There were so many abbreviations being introduced and all you get is just the expanded meaning with no elaboration. It's like telling a person XML is eXtensible Markup Language and the person should auto-magically know what the heck it is, how to write it and start using XQuery or XPath.

I have read so many technical books and I have not read one that is so poorly written! Up to now, I only know that the whole book is supposed to tell me how wonderful SNMP is but so far, I still don't know what the heck the author is saying. I tried reading the chapters over and over again but I still don't get it.

Boy, will I be in deep *PoOPee* this time.

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