
Whoah! MidValley is really getting more prosperous by the year. Got stuck in the traffic for half-an-hour today trying to get into the parking bay. Went in circles too in search of a parking space and it is absolutely crazy. Where did all these people come from?!

I had to go there to look for jeans - part of the gear I need for my US trip. The whole place is swarmed with people. I had to queue up for everything - lunch, tidbits, ice-cream, fitting rooms and even potty.

The one place that's quiet is the IT centre. I went there to survey the price of an external notebook HDD. Randomly picked a shop (that looks ok) and went in there. A lady at the desk came and serviced me - refusing to converse in Cantonese and insisted on speaking English with me. Quoted me RM560 for a 80GB Western Digital notebook HDD and told me it was my lucky day that she could give me a RM10 discount.

Not sure if I have the word 'sucker' stamped on my forehead but I did some homework before inquiring. An 80GB WD notebook HDD doesn't cost that much! I could get a 100GB equivalent with a RM15 top-up! I complained to her about the price and she immediately pack the HDD back to the shelf and said, it is impossible to get anything lower than what she offered. She also insisted that it could be a desktop HDD that I'm talking about.

Fine! I know it is not fair to compare the prices here with other malls and so, I went to the shop next to hers and inquired. They guy happily offered me RM440 for the same stuff without bargaining. It clearly shows that the previous lady was trying to rip-me-off - probably thinks that I'm a damsel who knows nuts about computers.

I still didn't get the HDD in the end though...

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