
Went to SJMC yesterday to see an ENT Specialist to have my ear problem checked. I didn't have an appointment, so I just walked in to the outpatient department and told the nurse that I wanted to see an ENT Specialist. She look at me and said, "Hah? Another one to see ENT? What's wrong with everyone today ah?"

I stared at her blankly, "Duh...." She wrote me a note and sent me off upstairs. Waited for a while and it was my turn. I explained my problem to the doctor (like how people explain their code problems to me) and he inspected my ears with some gadgets (like how I diagnose code). He then said one of my ear is responding weakly to pressure and he will need to send me off for some audiology tests (like how I would like to see a stack trace or an error log).

In the audiology department, I was put through what I remembered as an Impedance Test where they plugged something into my ears to induce pressure and it goes *buuuzzzZZZzzzz* inside my head. Then the plotter will produce a nice graph. I didn't know what the other test was called. I was put inside a room that is superbly quiet and was asked to put on a big headphone. The headphone will emit some very soft beep sounds and I'm instructed to press a button if I hear anything.

After the audiology tests, I was asked to bring the results back to the ENT Specialist. He then interpreted the results to me and said that I'm safe to fly. But as a precaution, I will need to take some medication onboard the plane and spray my nose before landing. I'm glad everything checks out alright and I can fly, I can fly, I can fly....

On the way home, I diverted to my optician to get a pair of new spectacles. My current pair is already five years old and the paint has started to chipped off. Initially, I was quite fond of a pink one that looks pretty fashionable. I look quite bright in it but a little inapproriate for a geekette and the frame feels a little fragile.

I skipped all the ones with black frames as they make me look so oldie and finally, I settled down for a pair that is quite decent and comes with clip-on shades - a feature I like with my current one. Didn't bother with the chromatix lenses though and went straight to the basic multi-coated UV protection lenses. Did an eye test and discovered that my power has increased again. Anyway, I will be getting my new glasses next week. Yeh! Yeh!

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