
The day before New Year's Eve ...

The traffic was kind to me.

The carpark which I used to park turned into a concert stage for tonight's countdown event.

I paid RM20 for a bowl of overpriced Lam-Mee (noodles) and ais-kacang (dessert) for lunch in KLCC but I value the lunch-talk with my colleagues.

I waited there on the Zebra-crossing for the cars to stop to let me pass as drivers in Malaysia don't seem to understand what a Zebra-crossing is. Either that or they can't seem to see black-and-white stripes.

I was alone in Lorong MCS (MCS pathway) in my office as all the consultants were not around.

Stacks of DVDs containing VPCs and training materials landed in my pigeon hole.

My claims were rejected becaused I had filled in the wrong category.

I felt happy as my Engagement Manager came to my cubicle and gave me a pat on my back.

I met my roommate who was supposed to bunk with me in US next week.

I failed to configure Biztalk Server 2004 on my notebook. I decided to uninstall it then.

I felt refreshed like a developer as I spent the whole afternoon and evening trying to solve my customer's code problems. Feels good to touch code and press F5, F10 and F11 again.

I went home late. Mom thought I went for a party and didn't bother to call me.

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