
My SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence engagement has ended and tomorrow, I will be deployed to another customer's place for a .NET Application Architecture engagement. It was a sad scene last Friday as we bade farewell to each other. Some of the attendees were flying back to their home countries to apply what they have learnt in the workshop to their projects.

I too have to bid farewell to my senior as he is assigned to another project in another customer site. *Sob* *Sob*. I really appreciate all the guidance and opportunities that he had given me during the engagement. Now, I know more SQL Server 2005 than before, particularly in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). I also picked-up some consulting tips from him as well.

I hope to work with him again (or atleast with another SQL consultant) so that I can learn up SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) to complete my knowledge in SQL Server 2005.

Tomorrow's engagement will be another fresh start for me as I will be working under the wing of another senior (or seniors). Hope to pick up some new knowledge from him (or them). *Gee! I really feel like a guppy in a big sea*

Looks like SQL Server 2005 vacation is over for me. Back to my domain area - .NET .NET .NET!

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