
After a week in Seattle, I'm finally home today. Yeah man! After so many days of croissants, ham, scrambled-eggs and cereals, I'm dying for some chicken-rice, chee-cheong-fun, wanton mee and fried koay-teow! My journey home was a three flight saga, similar to how I got there and I'm glad that I could settle down at the transit hotels for both my journeys. I've got a tiny room with an attached bathroom with no TV on the way there and a tiny room with TV but no bathroom on the way home. Guess which one is better?

Met some very interesting people in the journey and as usual I've been mistaken as a Japanese. On the way home, I met a Japanese lady who teaches Japanese culture in the US Navy and an OSS developer who is returning from an OSS Conference. I was reading the book entitled, Extreme Programming by O'Reilly (more on how I got the book later) and he immediately stroke a conversation with me while showing me his O'Reilly bag. I just sat there like an innocent puff watching him work on his PERL code and Javascript. I was a bit tempted to boot-up my Vista though but then... too lazy to do it.

The entire trip was tiring as expected and wasn't that exciting as compared to the previous. Got to see some pretty good stuff on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) and a little on Windows Workflow Foundation. Due to my diversification to MOSS, I had to skip the .NET 3.0, ATLAS, LINQ and other Orcas stuff in favour of MOSS tracks. *BoOHoOHoO - I wanna do .NET! Gimme back my F5!*

I had no winning luck this time round. Didn't win anything and brought home no goodies. The backpacks that I wanted to buy were sold-out on the first day and I didn't manage to find the size for the Vista polo-tee that I wanted. Books were plenty but none had caught my interest. I also tried my luck with the certification exams, hoping to bring home my MCPD but unfortunately, I was 29 marks short. *Damn!* I also missed the boat-ride as it was fully booked. I really wanted to go for the boat ride *sulk*. In the end, I just buy myself two MSN Butterfly beanies to console myself.

The only time that was fun for me was when Randy brought me to the campus (again). Visited the Company Store and the Visitor Centre. I also got a few daylight shots this time but most of my pictures were poorly taken due to my unsteady hands. I will post them up later. Right now, I think I need to catch some sleep. *Mmmm.... my sweet pillow* zzzZZ

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