
Here are some random 'clicks' from my Seattle trip. I didn't take much pictures this time due to lack of sleep and the tight schedule. I somehow felt that my first trip was more exciting. There were many pictures which I took that did not come out well due to my shaky hands. :(

This is the room that sheltered me for a night in Changi. It is a bit small but anything beats sleeping on the couch in the airport right?. As you can see, I'm quick to make myself at home *blush*.

This store caught my attention while I was walking around in Narita. These are Yukatas (notice the ribbon in front) and not kimonos. They look pretty good actually and they come in children sizes too (notice the little one on the bottom right). The other picture which I took that has both the adult and children sizes in focus was very blur. Really makes me imagine a mom taking her little daughter out and both were in the same outfit.

They also have T-shirts but not really my type. Donno what the words mean. For ninjas maybe. *HeHe*
I stayed in the Sheraton this time which is just a block away from the convention centre. So it is very convenient for me as I can walk there and back anytime (Saved some sleeping time too!). This is just a shot I took from the main entrance of the hotel. There are lots of shops across the street.

I was fascinated by the huge chessboard during the Welcome reception. I think it is harder to play because everything is so big and it is a little difficult to get a complete view of the board at one glance. The pool tables behind there were fully occupied. Don't really dare to challenge them. *Gulp*

Donno what to eat for dinner. All my colleagues were out enjoying themselves, my roommate had a group party and I am too lazy to go anywhere on my own. So, I called up room service and they recommended this - Sheraton Club Sandwich. I forgot to ask them for half-size. Beneath those chips were the other half of the sandwich. I end-up finishing the bread and the vegetables, leaving the turkey and all the bacon behind.

Here's a close-up to let you see how big it is per piece. Notice it is a 'double decker' - equivalent to a Big Mac. Without the meat, I'm able to finish it. Otherwise, it will be like eating 4 Big Macs!

Same fate on the third night. Too lazy and tired to go out. Need to prepare for my exam. This time, I ordered Chicken Wrap and had no problems finishing it. It was not as big as the club sandwich. I noticed they serve the dishes with chips instead of fries (although the menu says fries). I'm not a fan of fries, so the chips were fine for me. Infact better!

Here's a closer look on what's inside. Taste not bad. I kinda like it.

I was walking around the convention centre and noticed a few people were having these. Not wanting to be left out *kiasu*, I also grabbed one. It is a GiANT cookie. It is bigger than my palm and it taste good. The picture is a bit blur because I took it too near. It will be nice if we have these giant cookies at home.

On the fifth day, I visited the pier and I saw this building - Edgewater. I don't know whether it is an apartment or a hotel. Looks more like a hotel to me since all the balconies looked very consistent.
This is the boat-ride that I missed. It was fully booked. They did extend the schedule to 11:00 PM but what is there to see at night wor. Sigh! Can only watch from the pier *Sob* *Sob*

I always wondered what do these little box noodles taste like after watching them on movies (i.e. Rush Hour). I finally got the chance to try them out and *Bluigh* it tasted awful. I had the impression that they may taste something like our instant cup noodle but the taste is really weird. It is sour! Oh! How I wished I could have a plate of Kwong-Fu-Chao (Cantonese Fried Noodle) instead!

Some Japanese musicians playing Sakura.... sakura... *jinggles along*

Finally found someone to take a photo for me. As you can see, my hair is a bit messed up. It has been a long day for me. I look like a China-mui don't I?

And the people down there... (brace yourself), they are all Microsofties!

We can actually see the city from here. This is how it looks like from the pier. Everyone is just waiting for the boat-ride. *Grrr*

Model ships displayed at the museum. There were lots of them (but they all look the same to me *HeHe*).

The guys seemed to be fascinated with this. A model terrain where you can design your own water dam and sail your own toy-boat. Noticed the shark lying sideways of the left? I bet if the water level rises to a certain level, the shark should be able to swim. The water didn't flow to this part of the model because the guys have blocked off the water supply in the other parts.

I went back to the hotel after visiting the museum not knowing that I missed the Dragon Dance and Fire-boat show. *Sobs*

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