
Ok! It turns out that the project I was working on previously about the .NET assembly comparison; it wasn't a compare on one or two .exes or .dlls but to compare about 200 assemblies. *GiAiAiAH* Yeah! That means I gotta do this for approximately 200 times?! *That's Totally iNSaNe!*

But then, before you say, "What's the big deal? You can write a C# program wot?" I would like to assure you that I have thought about that as well, but then, I felt that writing a C# program just to do all that is too overkill. So, I have decided to use a much simpler and traditional approach instead - DOS!

Here's how I did it. To produce the MSIL, I ran the following once in each of the source and target folder:
for %i in (*.dll) do ildasm %i /out=c:\output\source\

I substituted c:\output\source with c:\output\target for the target assemblies. If your assemblies are executables, replace the *.dll with .exe.

To compare the files, I simply typed:
for %i in (*.il) do fc c:\output\source\%i c:\output\target\%i > c:\output\results\%i.txt

That's It! Cool huh?

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