
I'm currently preparing the second edition of my Application Architecture workshop which is a revision to the previous Application Architecture for .NET workshop that I had conducted last December with additional content to cover services. Hence, the course is renamed to Application and Services Architecture for .NET.

I'm working on the business layer module now and have added more content to the other modules. For the data layer module, I have provided more elaboration on designing the data layer components with an additional topic to talk about locking and concurrency control. I've also expanded the slide on Stored Procedures versus Dynamic SQL.

Designing Business Entities is an entirely new module now with greater focus on data representation and added content for designing Custom Business Entities. I have also included new slides to explain why persistence logic should be separated from data.

For the business layer, I'm planning to cover more about transactions and maybe talk a little more about the distributed technologies. I'm also thinking about giving a one-slide introduction to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). For the remaining modules, I'm not sure what to put in yet but I will work on it as I progress along.

This time, I will not hesitate to use Paladin as a reference to illustrate the concepts and to demonstrate the architecture implementation. Previously, only students who stayed back on the last day got to see it.

With all the added content and planned goodies, the duration of the workshop will be extended to four days (instead of two). *Gee! I hope you like to hear me talking* The workshop should be available somewhere in April 2006 - I will blog about it when it is ready.

Lastly, here's a screenshot of the Application and Service Architecture diagram using Office Powerpoint 12. *Nice eh?*

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