
My certs have finally arrived today. As you can see, it is one heck of a package (or should I say ... packages).

Receiving certificates for the new generation certifications has not been smooth for me so far as twice, I have to e-mail the help desk to have them sent to me correctly. I'm not sure what is the problem as I never had issues with the older certifications before. Anyway, who cares man?! What's important is that they are already here! *WoOHoO*

There are a total of eight certs - one of which is a duplicate of my previous MCTS:SQL Server 2005. I think they made an error here as they were supposed to send me the Office Sharepoint one instead. Aiyah! Have to e-mail them again. Included are also some letters, two cards and a logo guide book.

Hmm.... now to find a nice place to put the certs. *Grin*

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