
A squirrel got into my room today!

I have been hearing noises in the kitchen every night since my parents were away in Vietnam. I couldn't figure out what it was and it was starting to creep me out. While taking a drink today, I finally saw our little friend on the table.

The moment the fella saw me, he immediately went hysteria and started running towards the living room (resembling a scene in Ratatouiie). The sliding door in my living room was closed to prevent stray cats from coming in and so, the fella went splat on the glass door. I was staring at the fella with amazement as he was very quick.

Picking himself up in a flash, he scurried upstairs and that's when I started to get panic. My room door was opened and I have my 2 notebooks (1 installing Vista SP1 RC and the other Visual Studio 2008) and XBOX turned on. I was afraid that he will crash into my equipment or get over-comfortable and start chewing on my cables.

I ran upstairs like a mad woman and saw the fella hop behind my book cupboard. For a moment, I really didn't know what to do and I don't want to hurt the poor fella. I smsed my mom.

I took a peek behind the cupboard and saw the fella covered with dust. He turned around and look at me with those teary eyes. He was very scared. I looked at the fella and said, "I ain't gonna hurt you Mr. squirrel".

I went downstairs and opened all the windows and doors. Then, I went back to my room. The guy was still hiding there. I shoke some paper bags around one corner and he jumped out from the other side but he went behind the door instead of running downstairs. So, I had to move the door slightly to let the fella come out.

As I moved the door, the fella went hysteria again and jumped up to my hanged-up jeans and then into the waste-paper basket before making a u-turn and head downstairs. I tried to followed him but he was too quick. When I'm down in the living room, I surveyed the area and they were no more noises. I shut all the doors and windows, went back up and saw something behind my door.

Mr. Squirrel poo-poo in my room! The poor thing must be so scared. Anyway, I just cleaned up the mess and continued on with my work.

Err... what's that screeching noise now in my living room?

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