Today's Writing in My Car

Time: 6:50 a.m.
Temperature: 40 degrees
Meal: Biscuit and coffee
Goal: To write crucial confrontation scene between the heroine and the villain; finish edits of 4 remaining chapters.

Person of the Day: A black man in a tan sweater and a tan baseball cap. He also wore blue floral Jams. Obviously confused about winter in Los Angeles.

When writing a tough scene, it's easier to step it out when you're commuting. Coz your mind really has nothing else to do but think. I use PostIt notes, and as thoughts come, I jot them down, making sure not to hit any people in cars or on the sidewalks. When I'm ready to write the scene, I use my notes, and write slowly, sentence by sentence. Lots of 'what's next?' With the notes, you won't have to face that empty white page - the paper dragon. You get it down - and that's the hardest part of writing.

How do you conquer tough scenes?

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