
My new house is almost done and I'm very excited about it. I know I should have blogged about it earlier to record the events that happened for historical purposes but I guessed I was either too busy or too lazy. *Hehe*

I think it is still not too late to talk about it now since it is something that will propel me to the next stage of my life. I bought the unit more than two years ago after surfing around and immediately fell in love with it when I visited the site. It was located in a peaceful environment in the middle of a small hill backing a forest reserve. The developer was Flora Development, a subsidiary of IOI.

I won't say it was up to my expectations when I received the keys and I was mainly particular on the developer's poor workmanship - or what I called workmanshit out of frustrations during that time. Nevertheless, they did their best to fixed up all the defects and attended to my complaints but they did not leave a very good impression in my mind as it was my first encounter with them.

But leaving those aside, I was determined to make the best out of things. On a casual visit to my neighbour, Veronice's house, I was introduced to her brother-in-law, Lim, who happens to be a partner in Nice-Style Refurbishment and the series of events that happened after that was the amazing transformation of my empty house into a beautiful home.

Here are the designs for my home designed by my designer, Adeline Chin from Nice-Style (after enduring waves of feedback from this choosie customer *Hehe*).

Living Room



Study Room

As these are only visuals, there will be some variance in the end-product due to several factors (budget being the primary factor - hahaha) and some changes introduced along the way.

I will blog more about my home and some experiences I had in building my home from now onwards when I have the time. I'm excited to be moving on to the next stage of my life and finally expanding my space from a tiny room to a proper home. :)

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