I was kind enough to let the contractors to use my toilets during my house renovation and this is the result of the kindness ...

I can't really blame them because the developer gave us a toilet-bowl that is "press-to-flush" instead of "pull-to-flush". Since most of us are so used to pulling a handle, the conractors end-up pulling and twisting the supposed-to-be button and caused the handle inside the flush-system to go haywire.

As a result, nobody can flush the toilet after they shue-shue (pee) and ng-ng (shit). Nobody bothered to fix it. Nobody cared to learn how to flush properly. Everyone just pee on the pee and shit on the shit. Not only that, it seems the stench of the shit doesn't bother anyone who was working in the house. Both the toilets in the house suffered the same fate.

This resembles very close to the example that I like to give code developers when they tell me that they know about the problem in their programs but they just didn't have the time or bothered to fix it. So they just code over it - ala "shitting over the shit".

Fortunately, mom recommended me some heavy duty stuff and my potties are now back to their original shine...

Mom also recommended some disinfectant. That somewhat restored my confidence in using my potties again.

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