Golf Ball Art Car or Tiger Wood's career falling apart

With all this talk about Tiger Woods I though it would be appropriate to go out and find some Golf Ball Art Cars. Honestly I haven't even followed the news on the latest Tiger Woods Scandal and frankly I am bored already. But I am an opportunist and figured I get some hits by using Tiger Woods name over and over again so I decided to do a Golf Car vs Tiger Woods Career art car entry. All I found were three golf ball cars and golf ball car prank video that have nothing or maybe everything to do with Tiger Woods career. So what is it?

A-One giant golf ball crushed car
B-Tiger Wood's career getting crushed under the weight of his ego

One giant golf ball crushed car or is Tiger Wood's career getting crushed under the weight of his giant ego?

A) Car destroyed by multiple golf balls at a golf range
B) Tiger Woods life takes a wrong turn?

Car destroyed by multiple golf balls out on the range - Or did Tiger Woods mistakenly take a wrong turn in life?

A) Aerodynamic golf ball car
B) Tiger Wood flying through all this media attention unscathed?

Aerodynamic golf ball car or is Tiger Woods going to fly through all this media attention unscathed?

A) Prank video of a car filled with golf balls
B) Tiger Wood's career falling apart?

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