Tango with 32 kWhr pack of Headway LiFePO4 cells goes 108 miles on a charge

Because it was cold and snowing at times, and because this was only the second cycle on the battery, we only used 28 kWhrs out of the 32 kWhrs that the cells are rated for. The Tango used 260 Whrs per mile at an average speed of about 60 mph on highways with about 400 ft of elevation change. The Elithion BMS gave the following status at the end of the trip.

Cell vtg [V]: 3.05 min(# 46) 3.14 avg 3.18 max(# 20)
Total vtg [V]: 314.7
Cell bd temp, all [C]: +23 min(# 14) +29 avg +35 max(# 46)
Cell bd temp, load off [C]: +23 min(# 14) +29 avg +35 max(# 46)
Cell blk res [mOhm]: 25.4 min(# 0) 25.4 avg 25.4 max(# 0)
Total res: 2540 mOhm
Loads on: 0 (Not balancing: avg voltages below min bal vtg)
Cell boards: 100 (# 0 ~ # 99), all reporting
Banks: 12 (# 0 ~ #11), all reporting

This Headway pack has 1,000 cells mounted in parallel groups of 10, and 100 blocks in series. These were then packaged into 12 modules as pictured below.

There is approximately 200 lbs of lead added to the bottom of the battery box to make up for the lighter weight of the lithium cells. Some of this is visible in the photo below.

There are cells available that would allow 50 kWhrs or more to be fitted in the Tango battery box. This would give up to a 200-mile range.

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