Whatever happened to...

Not a highly original post this one, but for whatever nostalgic reason I spent some time last night checking out bands I've at some point featured on this blog. And on quite a few occasions I ended up asking myself: "what happened?", "why haven't we heard anything from these guys for ages?", "why weren't they huge?" etc. etc. Lots of questions to be answered, so I put on my Sherlock Holmes cap, found a magnifying glass, worded "the game's afoot" and started to search for information, updates or (heck) even signs of life from a few of the band...

The Holiday Show
They released their debut album in October 2008 and seemed poised for bigger things. But as soon as We Are Popular was released they more or less stopped promoting the album and concerts have since then been few and far between. Searches don't give any explanation to the lack of activity though a couple of band members seem to be busy doing other things (writing songs for other projects and promoting music). So I guess the project has been put to rest...for now (I hope).
+ Always Something Missing

Us With Millions
In April 2009 the band wrote that a track had been playlisted by P3 and an album was forthcoming. Since then; not a word. Can't find updates anywhere, so I took a shortcut and mailed the drummer asking for updates, news, gossip...anything. Received a long reply this morning and the sad (but not so unexpected) news is that the band has split up. If by no others, they'll at least be missed by me!
+ Rosebud

Leisure Alaska
The band is/was responsible for one of the best music videos ever by a Danish band and released their debut album The Deja In My Vu in 2006. On a few occasions since then the band has written about their forthcoming album and in mid 2008 the track Present Yet Unseen was shared. In October 2009 the band posted a Talking To Teapots cover and that's the last thing I can find from the band. One band member is involved in this project and another band member is on Twitter. Perhaps he knows something (mail has been sent)?
+ Present Yet Unseen

These guys should have been the kings of indie pop by now, as their 2008 debut EP Downhill was nothing but spectacular and made some of us believe that the band was ready to take on the world. Boy, were we ever wrong, as (a few live dates aside) the band has shown very few signs of being alive since then. I've heard some rumors (cannot recall exactly when and where I heard them) that the band was recording new material, but I've never seen it verified. Have asked a band member for news a couple of times, but the replies have been kind of vague, so not sure what to expect (if anything). It's a shame. It really is!
+ Downhill

Wanted to check out a few other bands, but my laptop was so slow that I decided to stop the project before things came to a violent end...

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