Happiest Bottle Cap Covered Van on Earth - Ever!!!!

Bottle Cap Van front
Bottle Cap Van front Photo by Damgaard
On a driery rainy day and the end of long and painful week for those affected by the tsunami in japan this van covered in colorful plastic bottle caps is a welcome relief. This art van has got to be one the happiest looking van I have seen in a very long time. May the emense joy that this art van gives out, come back to the owner 1000 times over:):):) Totally inspiring and joyful. Thank you!!!

Bottle Cap Van Side
Bottle Cap Van Photo by mhuffman
Bottle Cap Van front
Bottle Cap Van Photo by mhuffman
Bottle Cap Van Side
Bottle Cap Van Photo by mhuffman
Bottle Cap Van Rear
Bottle Cap Van Photo by hksmith02
Bottle Cap Van Rear
Bottle Cap Van Photo by tracymadaj
Bottle Cap Van front
Happy Face Bottle Cap Van Photo by Wolfram Burner

An here is a rare you tube video that capture this amazing happy bottle cap covered van.

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