Blah, blah, blah...

The unquestionable highlight of the week was that Arcade Fire announced that they are coming to Denmark on August 27. Still hurts thinking about the cancellation 4 years ago! Tickets have (of course) been secured!

Trying to understand the hype surrounding Yuck. They are not bad by any means, but don’t they just sound like something we’ve heard so many times before?
+ Get Away

Checked a promo mail the other day and really liked the track attached. Two minutes after checking I received the exact same promo mail again, which normally would have meant that the artist would have been excluded indefinitely from this blog. I wrote the agent writing “no point sending it twice”, to which he replied ”I guess her song writing is way better than my database management”! Touché! After all I prefer this than the other way round (great management vs. bad song writing). The track in question, I Was Surrounded, is by Swedish singer Frida Sundemo and is a quiet and pretty little gem.
+ I Was Surrounded

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