Steam railway...

Anyone remember DAMPFBAHN!? If you don’t I can hardly won’t blame you, as nearly 5 years have gone since they put out an EP containing 5 free to download tracks; which they later followed up by having the track All Is Swell remixed by 9 other artists. But despite all their efforts the splash they made was hardly noticeable and since those busy days in 2007 the duo has been completely quiet. Though lead singer Peter (at least I assume he’s the one singing) has been busy recording and releasing song under the alias One Weekly Gun, which you’ve probably heard of, if you happen to be a semi-regular visitor around here. Now the duo is finally back together writing and recording, and so far two new songs have been released. Same As Me sort of follows nicely in the footsteps of the older tracks and is a nice uptempo electro pop dance kind of thing. However their second output You’re The First (purchase) has completely knocked me off my feet. After a short electronic intro it evolves into a grand and catchy pop song, which perhaps makes them sound more mainstream than ever, but at the same time makes them sound perhaps better than ever! Hadn’t really missed them all – now I wonder why?

You're The First by DAMPFBAHN!

Same as Me by DAMPFBAHN!

+ All Is Swell (EP version)
+ All Is Swell Lummertmix (remixed by Oliver North Boy Choir)

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