HACK@MIND Guide #2

In my previous post, I gave some tips on how you can get a fully functional WCF Service back-end up in a flash to compete in the upcoming HACK@MIND competition. If you follow the advice of that post, you will most likely to have saved a lot of time to spend on building the UI for your app.

Here are some resources that will help you further in developing more compelling UI for your Windows Phone apps:

  • Want to do some complex stuff with your phone but don't know where to start? - Checkout the Code Samples for Windows Phone page for everything you need.

As for Windows 8 Metro Apps, the most puzzling question would be how can you access a WCF back-end? The answer is here. You basically make use of the new Async Programming syntax to call it.

Now what are you waiting for? Go win some prizes! :)

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