Not quite dead...yet...

Holiday, work, summer fatigue...excuses are aplenty for the lack of updates. None of them are really worth anything, so call me a lazy bastard, who has lost interest if you like. Not ready to give up on the blog quite yet, so will give it one final push and get this blog back in shape. Just checked mails, updates etc. and there sure are enough stuff to recommend, share, pass on etc., so check back from time to time and perhaps you'll find that the blog (for a change) has been updated!

While I try to get back in blogging mode, I strongly recommend that you spend a few minutes checking this simply wonderful new track by Danish lo-fi, singer-songwriter trio Stærosaurus taken from the band's forthcoming debut album. Smeltet Sammen is a quiet emotional beauty or as I just wrote...simply wonderful!

Oh...there's this nice little video as well...

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