
It's finally here!!! It's finally here!!!

Woke up this morning and went straight on to MSDN. Going through the list of new stuff and found out that Team Foundation Server Beta 3 is finally released. *Yippee* *I jumped up!* and downloaded it without haste.

I was supposed to go watch Flight Plan today in the afternoon with my friend so I had to really rushed to get TFS installed. After activating the download, I stood up from my chair and I can feel tremendous muscle pains coming from both my thighs. *OuCh* *Tears coming out* It must be that evacuation-drill yesterday - hundred over flights of stairs down KLCC Tower 2. *Errr... so painful.*

Still have to get going as my friend is gonna come pick me up. Quickly get ready and went downstairs to take my breakfast. Oh! No! More stairs! *Errr...* After taking my breakfast, I went back to my room and just in time for the installation file to finish downloading. I have prepared my Windows Server 2003 partition for this day since Thursday *MuaHa-MuaHa*

*Clickity* *Click* *Click* and BaNG! "Setup has detected that Windows Sharepoint Services SP1 is not installed". Ah! Small matter, downloaded it and installed it. Then, I tried again. "The configuration of Windows Sharepoint Services does not meet the requirements of Team Foundation Server". Huh? Read the installation guide and found out that I need to set it up as a Server Farm.

Took a look at the clock, *OmiGosh* it is going to be time for the movie liow. Where's my friend? Called her earlier and she said she will be here. Nevermind, uninstall and reinstall *Quickly* *Quickly* *Quickly*. In my rush, I had unknowingly clicked to uninstall Windows Service Pack 1. Still unaware of it, I proceeded and then *KABABOOM!* All the SQL Server 2005 services failed to load, Visual Studio 2005 got busted, error messages popping everywhere after I rebooted. Then I realized my mistake! *WHOA-HA!* I'm so stupid!

*Grrrr* Switched off my computer and went downstairs to wait for my friend. *My face now black already*. She is still no where insight. Gave her a called and she said, "Er... I think I will be late lah". What?! It is already so near to the start of the movie and we have not collected the tickets yet. Ahhh! I cancelled the plan frustratingly and returned to my installation, thinking "What a bad day?!"

So I went back to my room and rebuild my server from scratch (actually my notebook). Installed Windows Server 2003, Office 2003, Project 2003, patched all of them and then installed SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and Windows Sharepoint Services SP1. *I don't think you need me to tell you. Team Foundation Server is a beast*. And for the grand finale... Team Foundation Server Beta 3 *Click*

Installation was a breeze. Finally, got TFS up and running!!! Here's a screenshot of the integration with Visual Studio 2005.

I'm using a wide-screen notebook so you will have to click on the image to view the full size. Ain't she a beauty? *Wink* *Wink*. I will blog more about it technically in my next post.

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