
"I want to see the world."

That's the common phrase I hear nowadays. Almost everyone I know will declare that statement and talk about destinations like China, Korea, Japan, Europe, The United States and etc. To me, I think it is just peer-pressure. We see everyone is going, we would not want to be left out. So that when there is a gathering or mamak session, we can talk about it and proudly say, "I've been there!"

Have you heard anyone who said the above wanting to visit Fiji, Abu Dhabi, New Caledonia, the South Pole or some unheard-off places? Rarely! (I do have a friend who wants to visit the South Pole to see the Emperor Penguins though). I honestly think there is hardly anything about the world to see in just a few days and few nights. Besides, it is always nice when we are on vacation regardless of the location - try living in that place and you will see a different picture.

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