
That's it! I'm declaring this month as "Black April" for the computers in my house. One-by-one, the computers failed with some hardware problems. Started with my Presario X1000, then my old Presario 1700 and now, the latest addition to the family ... mom's new Dimension 5150! *GRRrrRR*

Everything worked fine until a few days back when the graphics card started to fail. Mom and dad was shouting hysterically from downstairs, "It's raining in the computer! It's raining in the computer!". I stopped for a while, "What are my folks talking about?!"

So I went down to check it out and Wah-Lau-Eh!!! What happened man?!

The whole screen is filled with vertical dotted lines. Initially, they weren't as bad as shown in the picture, just a few lines only but over the days it started to "rain heavily". The lines were visible during boot-up, in the BIOS setup screen, Command Prompt and the Windows Startup Screen.

Suspecting a cable or LCD failure, I tried plugging in my notebook and everything was displayed correctly - like a "sunny day". Strangely enough, everything seems to be ok after Windows XP is loaded up.

Yesterday, fine-vertical-lines that is purple in color started to appear in Windows XP. Blast!!! Contacted Dell and they are sending over someone with the graphics card replacement. While that is in progress, my parents has been Ngi-Ngi-Ngo-Ngo everyday. AAAHHHH!!!!!

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