
My notebook blacked-out just now. *gulp* While working on it, the LCD screen suddenly went black and I couldn't see a thing. I panicked and started pressing all the buttons but to no avail. Tried rebooting but I can't get the BIOS boot screen to show although I can see my HDD light go *blinkie* *blinkie*.

WHaT tO Do? wHaT To dO? I switched-off everything, pulled out the plug and thought about how miserable my life will be without my hubby Presario. *BoOHoO* I'm not prepared to get a new notebook yet. My source codes! They are still in the HDD! *BoOHoOHoO* I prayed that my hubby will be OK.

Tried switching it ON again .... and.... beep! I can see the nice Compaq boot-up logo again. Phewh! Ooo... my hubby is alive! *Yippee* But what happened? Did the LCD over-heated? It remains a mystery.

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