
*BoOHoOHoO* My hubby has passed-out. Won't respond to me anymore. The screen shakes and horizontal lines appear when it boot up to Windows. I'm so sad. This morning, I had to find my way to HP Towers to check-it in to the notebook hospital.

I don't know my way, just simply give it a shot. Couldn't concentrate anymore as my mind keep thinking of my hubby. Got lost while driving, so I parked by the roadside and called them up to ask for directions. The roads were so messy with splits and turns everywhere but luckily I managed to find the place.

The technician inspected it and immediately said it needs to be admitted to the hospital. My poor hubby. Display kept shaking non-stop as if it is shivering, then followed by blackouts. Won't respond to the power button. It is so painful looking at it suffer.

The warranty period has expired and I was told to wait 4 days for the diagnostic report and quotation. *Sob* *Sob* My life is so different without my hubby Presario. The world seem so small without a wide screen LCD. Everything look so square and the text are so tiny. I really miss my hubby and I hope it can recover from whatever sickness it is having.

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