
I have given myself approximately 48 hours to recover. Well, not to recover completely but to atleast have my voice restored so that I can speak fluently (and properly). At the moment, I can't complete a proper sentence without loosing a few keys. Failing to recover on time, I will need to inform the TechEd organizers that my colleague will be taking over my place. The topic should remain unchanged. It will be a shame if I couldn't present. I have been preparing for it since two weeks ago.

I was not able to do anything productive yesterday as I was hit by a terrible migraine. Guessed it was probably due to my irregular sleeping. I have not been sleeping well for the past few nights as the cough has kicked-in and I have to discharge the phlegm every minute or so. I felt so handicapped these few days. I want to get up and attend TechEd!!!

Went to a different clinic this morning and the doctor gave me a different set of medication. This time, there are anti-biotics and a whole lot more of pills. Darn! Been pumping so many different kinds of medicine into my body, I'm not sure it can still take it. As adviced by most of you (and my friends), I'm taking honey. Thick-thick Manuka honey from New Zealand! *Die, you phlegm bastard!*

Ok. I better go work on the demos for my presentation. I'll not give up hope as long as there is still a chance.

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