
I'm sick this weekend. Caught a terrible flu from mom and now, I'm having sorethroat. I'm quite worried since TechEd 2006 is just around the corner and I hope I don't lose my voice on the day of my presentation. I was planning to have some fun this weekend. Took a day off yesterday thinking to watch some movies but ended-up staying at home watching webcasts.

I can never escape the flu viruses coming from mom. If they are fierce enough to attack her immune system, they are fierce enough to attack mine. It started yesterday morning when I woke up, feeling lousy and having difficulties in swallowing. My throat feels very dry no matter how much water I drink.

Visited the clinic today and the doctor charged me a walloping RM45 for cough mixture, flu and phlegm medication. The price of medicine and medical consultancy has surely hike. I better go get some rest now.

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