Jungle Bug Art truck finds new life on internet.

This beautiful Jungle Bug Art Car is brought to you by Amanda Jensen a 1987 Ford Ranger with a shell. She said this about her art car:

I started decorating it in 1996. I used "fake plant" leaves, plastic jewels, One-Shot paint, and for the first years, many large & giant toy bugs. Now, there are only some giant ants painted blue on top. It was my ONLY vehicle, a "daily driver" art-car, until November 2007. I did it all myself and never had a garage or driveway so it was street-parking only. Many people loved it very much, but it never got very famous or publicized. It doesn't run well anymore. Alas!! I love it! I deeply miss being able to drive it everywhere.

Amanda thank you for submitting your Jungle Bug Art Truck it is truly a very beautiful art car and I do hope my readers will post lots of comments.

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