
Just got my Screamyx 4MB for my new house. I was initially told that my area can only support up to 1MB when I applied for the service. Nevertheless, the lady in TM said she will put in the 4MB package for me and they will test the speed during installation. I was quite worried that they will bill me the 4MB rate for a 1MB service.

The installation was delayed for almost 3 weeks and today, I finally got it activated. The line was initially capped at 2MB but the installer tested my line and said it could support it. He made a call and my connection speed got upgraded to 4MB.

Testing it out, I downloaded a 1.5GB iso file from MSDN in about an hour at an average of 435 KB/sec. Not a bad deal I guessed.

Too bad the upstream is still 512K which I think won't make any difference for my XBOX Live experience. The installer said 512K upstream is all our ADSL can support (in fact my readings only registered 508). Sigh! I wonder when our country can have faster and better internet connections.

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